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Sesetengah kursus membenarkan akses pengguna tamu

Adakah ini kali pertama anda di sini?

成大教職員工生(NCKU member)
Use Cheng-Kung Portal account and password.
 兼任教師(adjunct teacher)請以身分證號為登入帳號,密碼預設值為身分證後四碼加生日後四碼共八碼
Choose "ID number" as account and default password(The last four digits of one’s personal ID number plus four digits of one’s birthday).
外校學生/Outside student
 校際選課學生(enroll semester course)請至 校際選課 數位學習平台帳號申請 登錄您的資料。 
Please apply for Moodle account by this site
 暑修學生(enroll summer course)請至 暑修課程 數位學習平台帳號申請 登錄您的資料。 
Please apply for Moodle account by this site
成大醫院/NCKU Hospital member
目前僅提供麻醉部同仁使用。登入帳號為 員工編號(前面補0),共十碼,例如:0000012345。密碼預設值為身分證後四碼加生日後四碼共八碼
Only for Department of Anesthesia, Department of Nursing and Department of Internal Medicine Dialysis Room. The account is employee number(add leading zero to employee number, total digits is ten. Ex:0000012345). Default password is last four digits of one’s personal ID number plus four digits of one’s birthday.